Willie Jackson, Whanau Ora & the Government Child Abuse Rings

One thing you will never hear Willie Jackson admit- is that the primary cause of poverty in New Zealand is Government income taxes. Closely followed by the welfare industry trap the Government uses to catch all of the fall out.

Despite the fact that Willie has traveled extensively, he has apparently failed to notice that all nations that have low income taxes have full employment and little need for Government welfare. South Korea is one good example, with income taxes at 5% or less, their economy booms, with very little unemployment or need for welfare.  The very simple truth that government taxes destroy economies and create poverty has been documented and proven in economics text books dating back 100 years. The Government taxes the poor at 75%, then hand back a % of that money in the form of WINZ payments- keeping around half of it for themselves and guaranteeing that a section of the economy remains poor, for ever, under their full control. Its called communism.

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[Image- the non threatening, friendly “Uncle” Willie Jackson]

The reason Willie Jackson fails to observe of mention those facts is two fold. Firstly, Willie is (in our opinion) a top class moron. Like a child in an adults body, Willie is 98% made up of social and government propaganda bullshit, and the remaining 2% is a lost child, swimming around in the dark looking for his soul.

Secondly- Willie is one of the biggest government welfare whores in NZ’s history. In fact he is probably hands down the biggest welfare whore in NZ’s history. Sitting like a giant blood sucking leech on top of poor and struggling Maori who are trapped in the Government taxation and welfare cycle.

Willie Jackson rules over the Whanau Ora welfare rort – receiving millions every year from successive Governments to hand out to those who suffer under an abusive / communist government system of around 75% net taxes. Kiwis pay 20-40% income taxes, 15% gst on everything they buy, 300-3000% on tobacco and alcohol, 74c per liter on  petrol, rates, car rego, ACC and on and on. Up to 75% of peoples’ incomes are stolen by the communist/ Jewish banker run NZ government- crippling our economy and small business and creating unemployment and poverty around the Nation.

Willie Jackson is in fact the exact type of moron that the Government looks to promote as a poster boy for “poverty” – because he is incapable of thinking for himself and greedy enough to help abuse his own people, helping to steal their futures off them by working to keep them all in welfare slavery, generation after generation.

The solution to poverty is very simple- you simply remove taxes and let people and the economy work and thrive.

You will never hear Willie Jackson say that of course because he is a lazy, corrupt welfare whore. And probably the worst one at that. Stuffing is pockets more and more each year that poverty and its related crimes and child abuse increase. Creating a never ended stream of work for corrupt child abusing lawyers and judges – the so called “Synagogue of Satan”.

He bleats on all day about “poverty” , “child abuse” and “his people”, oblivious to the fact that he is one of the biggest parts of the problem.

Now if that ain’t bad enough – here is where it gets worse.

Willie Jackson ‘came out’ recently and declared he was “Jewish”. It is a well known fact that the fake Jewish mafia owns most of the DNA testing companies around the World and use them to fake the DNA tests for murder trials  (eg, the Bain case which was a government murder and the DNA faked to frame David Bain) , so whether or not Willie Jackson is a Jew or not remains a mystery. It is likely the global communist mafia have simply made that story up and sold it to Willie – a man who obviously has/ or had very little idea who he was or where he comes from.

It should be noted here the difference between Jews and fake Jews- those from the Synagogue of Satan – the global pedophile ring of satanists who hide behind the title of “Jews”.

Either way- we now have the biggest welfare whore in NZ’s history parading around like the naked emperor, proudly telling everyone he is Jewish and that he ‘cares for the poor’ , when in fact he is complicit in one of the biggest causes of poverty in our Country. That being welfare and handouts.

The irony is sickening really. The fake Jews have been behind every communist revolution in history, including Karl Marx, Chairman Mao and Joseph Stalin, who together ended up murdering over 200 million poor people. All for the Jewish bankers who had decided genocide was the only solution to the non cooperation of the people with the fake Jewish banker owned state and its never ending taxes and rules.

Ring any bells?

This is oddly enough where NZ is now headed. With a fake Jewish prime minister, Jewish owned banks in control of almost everything, a corrupt Jewish Freemason controlled judiciary (whose primary role is to protect pedophiles) and the now Jewish owned media – namely Media Works and Radio Live, owned by Jewish billionaire Howard Marks and his Oaktree Capital fund. We have had around 100% inflation in the past few years, with food and rent up by 100% or more, as welfare payments and wages all stay the same- pushing record numbers of people into poverty and destitution. Maori are being killed off via taxes, welfare and inflation – grinding poverty which creates domestic abuse, child abuse, illnesses and death, and Willie Jackson is too stupid, cowardly and/or corrupt to speak out and simply demand an end to income taxes – which would solve the problem within 12 months. Not to mention taking GST off healthy foods. Not only does this socially retarded moron help prop up the welfare industry which keeps everyone poor, he is a highly paid mouth piece for the inbred Jewish criminals who run all of the Government  propaganda to keep it all in place.

If there was ever a story about a low life sell out of his own people- it is surely Willie Jackson. A hypocrite of the highest order.

One wonders if Willie Jackson was abused as a child, to ‘grow’ into such a hypocrite who does so much damage to his own people – Maori- and others.

And this brings us neatly onto the next issue. Jewish sacrificial child abuse.

Willie Jackson was recently bleating on about the Oprah Winfrey visit to to New Zealand – but he is too cowardly and lazy to do any research and report this piece by Oprah Winfrey- where she exposed Jewish pedophile rings on her American show.

We have recently seen the same thing in England, where the Jewish Freemason controlled House of Westminster has been exposed as a giant child abuse ring – with over 100,000 children alleged to have been abused by Freemason Lords and MP’s – and still not one arrest.

Here in New Zealand our own Government recently announced that “1000 children” have “disappeared” from Child Youth and Family. And 1100 kids abused in state care are now seeking damages for the abuse they suffered. We clearly have the same problem.

That problem being state sanctioned and covered up child abuse and child sacrifice. Even as we type up this post, NZ Judge Philippa Cunningham has just given permanent name suppression to a 50 year old Auckland businessman who was caught trading 1000’s of child abuse images. The Government in NZ, much like the UK is arguably run by pedophiles, for pedophiles, with the Synagogue of Satan judges apparently protecting them all and covering it up.

Which poses the question- if the Government uses their various agencies to help them better groom children to abuse, and hires and promotes pedophiles into positions of power, such as MP’s Judges and commissioners – is it fair to be a little suspicious of Whanua Ora and its CEO Willie Jackson? Whanau Ora is paid to ‘bring Maori into’ the system- gathering their data and habits and giving the government information and access to their children. If we conclude from the evidence above that  the Government is a giant child abuse ring run by pedophiles for pedophiles- one wonders how Willie Jackson fits into all of that – given he never speaks out about the true cause of poverty and instead helps keep the welfare abuse rolling on.

We have no evidence that Willie Jackson is involved in any of these Government child abuse rings – but given his position sucking money from tax payers to help keep Maori poor – perhaps it is a fair and indeed important question to ask? Is Willie Jackson aware of any Government pedophile rings operating in New Zealand and can he give an assurance that no such things exist in the Whanau Ora organization?

Perhaps we should be asking this question of all our MP’s, Judges and large welfare handout vampires such as Willie Jackson? We know the judges and Government are always heavily involved in child abuse and child abuse rings – so should we be asking all such government agents and workers a) if they are Freemasons and/or Jewish and b) are they involved in any way in these Government and Judiciary protected pedophile rings?

Our opinion is that given all evidence of state sanctioned child abuse we see these days- it is not only fair to ask such questions of Willie Jackson and Whanau Ora- but an important duty.



[Image- One eyed Uncle Willie – is he just stupid and corrupt? Or is it worse?]

Bus load of Jewish Rabbis rounded up in New Jersey for trading in human and child body parts and organs [2014]:

More information on Jewish child rape and sacrifice traditions:

Is the God of the fake Jews Satan – and does he demand that they rape & murder children?

[Legal- the opinions in this article are those of the Author of this blog and those of the third party references quoted. We have stated very clearly that we have seen no evidence that Willie Jackson and/or Whanau Ora are involved in anyway in any government child abuse rings, but have suggested that the people of NZ should be asking those questions & demanding assurances, given all of the evidence quoted of state sanctioned child abuse rings and the fact that in our opinion, Whanau Ora is not what it says it is ie) “helping the poor”. We maintain that the only way to “help the poor” is to remove taxes off their incomes and food and rents – and that the only outcome of the handouts Willie Jackson campaigns for is to perpetuate the dependency of so many poor – leading to their eventual and inevitable enslavement and demise – a crime against the Maori people on a grand scale- and aided and abetted by Willie Jackson as he stuffs his own pockets in the process. A wolf in sheeps’ clothing. Willie Jackson or any of his agents are welcomed and encouraged to reply below, answer our questions, and give such assurances.]